DIY: Toner

Homemade toners are incredibly easy to make.

This recipe is the one I've been using for the last 5 years as a skin cleanser, morning and night, as I wear very little make-up.

This recipe can be adapted in many ways to fit your routine, or with ingredients you find in bulk.

Ingredients for 50ml:
- 30ml filtered water
- 15ml apple cider vinegar or coconut vinegar
- 5ml or 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil
- Optional: A few drops of essential oils depending on your skin's needs (I use vetiver for its regenerative properties, and geranium for a clearer skin and its pleasant scent)

- Pour into an amber glass bottle (to protect the ingredients from sunlight)

- Use a funnel if necessary

- Shake well before each use, then pour a small amount onto your reusable cotton pad

- Let the toner sit, then apply it to your skin


So, will you try this DIY?

If you already use a homemade toner or make-up remover, share your recipes with us!


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